Thursday, October 14, 2004

US arms for Pakistan spell trouble for India - The Times of India

US arms for Pakistan spell trouble for India - The Times of India

I'm sick and tired of the news media trying to interpret politics in the Indian Sub-continent. The headline in the times indicated that India should be wary of the arsenal being acquired by Pakistan from America. If TOI is doing this to gain news popularity that is absolutely acceptable by me, in spite of the moral aspects. These headlines don't reflect the opinion of most Indians though. We don't care if the paki's have nukes or advanced planes because we are not interested in attacking them. I would assume that the Pakistanis are not stupid to attack India (Although stupidity seems to be a common element). So to the editors here is what we (middle class Indians) are thinking, how to pay my bills, can I get a better job and when the fuck will these stupid papers actually reflect the opinion of the majority rather than subscribing to the extremes. One might ponder how one person can represent 800 million people. It is simple, we have limited wants and we don't really care about politics and our primary focus is survival. These aspects are universal, not just limited to Asia, so media pundits - please pay some attention to us.

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