Thursday, December 15, 2005

Heart Broken

Whoever said that "It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved" should reconsider.....

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Just a question

This is such a remarkable and consistent coincidence that we cannot ignore it. I think there is a familiar trend on the behavior of a certain group of people. I cannot conclude the behavior of any certain group but here is the ethnic breakdown of the population of Australia (I think Sydney is consistent with the national percentages in this regard). The Chinese, Lebanese, Indian and Vietnamese people are non-Caucasian. Why is that we hardly hear the Chinese, Indian or Vietnamese communities get involved in these issues?

Total population: 21 million

Australian: 6.7m (38.7%)

English: 6.4m (36.5%)

Irish: 1.9m (11%)

Italian: 800,000 (4.6%)

German: 742,000 (4.3%)

Chinese: 557,000 (3.2%)

Scottish: 540,000 (3.1%)

Greek: 376,000 (2.2%)

Dutch: 269,000 (1.5%)

Lebanese: 162,000 (0.9%)

Indian: 157,000 (0.9%)

Vietnamese: 157,000 (0.9%)

Polish: 151,000 (0.9%)
