Saturday, March 12, 2005

You cannot beat the odds

As I looked into the mirror trying to arrange my thinning hair a strange thought crossed my mind – “I’m getting old”. I have always been an under achiever but like most people I told myself that “It is okay, you will make a better life for yourself”. Now I’m in a situation where one wrong move can drive me into the depths of pittance for the rest of my life and this point I have decided to take on another worry. No it is not that of aging as looks have never been my forte, it is the concept of falling in love, getting married etc. Now with limited intelligence, minimal money, mediocre looks and past filled with failures my choices would be limited.

I think the concept of love is over-rated; it is what I would consider emotional investment. The reason one would want to love somebody else ( Even if we compensate for physical infatuation and social pressure) is that in case something goes wrong someday this person would stand up for you. There is also this case of “sense of belonging”. We all want to be wanted (I think it is a matter of ego) and we make an agreement with another person who would work with you to make you feel wanted. There might be a few cases of unconditional love which cannot be explained by my logic but most of the time we don’t know the whole scenario and hence I think it is safe to consider them as anomalies.

Although I find the concept of love hypocritical I don’t have a major problem playing along as it is the norm of the society. The fact that I have to work hard to make the girl fall in love with me and continue to do so in the future sounds like a tedious task. So I have to work 55 hours a week (Middle management works 55 hours although the job description says it is 40), help clean the house, raise kids and work towards the relationship – to achieve what? Well to be stowed away in an old age home. I don’t know about you but this does not sound enterprising to me. Here is my solution, screw the love aspect; marry somebody because we don’t know who is going to turn out as what in the future. There are too many variables to determine the partner’s character, so start by assuming that your life will be a living hell. Well if things go on normally you would be okay because this was what you expected and hey by chance you get really lucky life might be fun for you.

We have a very short life, so don’t waste time looking for the perfect person. Selecting a spouse is like playing the raffle and you cannot estimate the odds here because nobody tells the truth about their relationships. Just pick one and hope to god it works out for you. I figured this out and hence I have decided to write this stupid blog and play solitaire than look for my “soul mate”


Friday, March 11, 2005

BBC NEWS | South Asia | India looks to IT to take on China

BBC NEWS | South Asia | India looks to IT to take on China

The problem is that Indians refuse to acknowledge the bureaucracy problem which has hindered industrial growth in India. The few who do so either don't have the voice to make it a major issue or focus on the growth of the IT sector. We have to understand although we have a strong hold on IT services; one billion cannot make a living off of it. We need to have a good balance of manufacturing and service sectors. I'm not suggesting that India reach the level of China but become much more dominant in manufacturing. I think this will help us provide employment to the under educated and at the same time not destroy environment (which will be the case in China). Unfortunately the Indian government seems to be lethargic about resolving this issue. For example Manmohan Singh wants NRI's to invest in India like most Chinese do in their home country but did not make any changes to make India a lucrative location. The funniest part is that many people go ahead and play the patriotic card, come up with junk like "you are Americanized" etc. Well let my response to these people is "Yes I have". I have no love for India as a country atleast in the last two centuries. Don't get me wrong I have immense respect for my culture and traditions but not for the country. In a sense I got screwed because I was born in India (well I should be happy I wasn't born in Pakistan or the Middle East). Fortunately I was born into a decently well off family if not I would have been much worse off. I faced reservations, corruption, over education, limited jobs, difficulty in getting jobs etc, which if one thinks about are not very encouraging. Even now India has not changed as it should have although the younger generation is phenomenally better. I think it is time for the older people (anybody who has seen Indra Gandhi and thought she was good looking would be considered old) to retire and give way to the younger generation. The reason being these guys have tried to change the course of the country for the last 40 years and I don't think they have done a good job. Why not give us a chance?

Some of you might be offended by my statements above but unfortunately it is the truth. There are very few people who actually care about the country; I think patriotism is a matter of personal ego. This concept is okay with but the problem is a lot of times because of our defensive nature we don't take criticism constructively. I think we should encourage people to speak up against the set of the country so that we can strive to improve continuously. I'm upset with India for a reason, I mean come on 5000 years of history, brilliant scientists, outstanding religion and hardworking people; with all this behind us why are not at the top of the world? Don't blame luck; I think somebody should be held responsible for the present state of the country. I'm not Mahatma Gandhi so I want retribution; retribution for all the hardships all the people had to undergo because of our national leaders and you know what we can start with Lalloo.

Well I think that is enough of vindictive talk for a day but I want to end this blog on a positive note. India I think as of right now is a true epitome of religious tolerance. The strife in Gujarat is in-consequential when compared to the population and the religious mix. I don't think there is any other country in the world where such a model exists.
