Saturday, October 30, 2004

MSNBC - Christian rock spreads election-year gospel

MSNBC - Christian rock spreads election-year gospel

Sweet Jesus! What has the world come to? What is with these people trying to spread the good word? All the preaching I think is against the primary concept of god. My perception is that God is Omnipotent; hence if he wants us to learn about something he does not need jeans clad musicians to spread his word. More over these people have to be thinking twice about using Jesus to spread the message "Go out and vote!". The bible talks about the kingdom of God and that is not promoting democracy, it is basically a monarchy. I think we in general over hype Democracy because masses are not as smart we think they are. Infect the majority of us are basically concerned about getting a decent paycheck and getting some. So we don't really care who is up there and now-a-days the choices available are so bad, it does not matter who we pick. So basically it is just like having a king, we have a bad king we take shit and good ones can make our lives better. Now monarchy has been time tested while democracy is just 300 years old and it hasn't done outstandingly well either. I'm not against democracy but all I'm asking of you readers is "please think", don't let people tell what the word of god is because we were made in god's own image and we can think like him; Think and act smart.


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