Sunday, March 26, 2006

MN Senate Majority Leader Dean Johnson accused of Copy right infringement

Mr. Johnson was lambasted by Carl Rowe for copy right infringement. Mr. Rowe has effectively proven that using God and Gays in politics is solely his creation and has patented the concept in Hill Country, Texas. Mr. Rowe has categorically stated that such misuse by other parties will not be tolerated. Mr. Johnson, who had been a part of the Republican Party since 1978 but, moved by the striking charisma of Al Gore and unquestionable ethics of President Clinton, decided to move to the Democratic Party in 2000. Mr. Johnson claims that he has similar ideas when he was in the Republican Party and has carried them to over to his new party and hence it would not be copy right infringement. When asked by reporters Mr. Johnson stated that there is no clear demarcation of what the Republican’s and the Democrat’s can do and that they should have a committee build guidelines to avoid future embarrassments. Carl Rowe on behalf of the American Government and Jesus said that it is an acceptable solution and also stated that “It is imperative we make sure that the consequences of crossing these party lines be severe, so that nobody in the future would dare to”. Ralph Nader would be given a choice to join one of the parties or migrate to Canada. The general public is following this story keenly and hopes that this issue can be resolved quickly so that the Government can start paying attention to its welfare.


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