Thursday, May 03, 2007

The dramatization of news in India

I was very proud of most of the national news sources in India not only for their journalistic values for what their comprehension of news was. The print is still following this trend but the advent of 24 hour news channels has changed the concept of news. If one were to watch a 24 hour Indian news channel, it would be a lot more representative of a day time soap rather than a news channel. These channels seem to focus on Human Interest stories filled sadness and wretched people and present them to the viewers. There is a very high possibility that most people would assume these kinds of incidents are common place in India - which they are not. I think national news channels must focus universal issues and how our leaders are working towards solving them.

I understand news channels need to fill air time but India does not have a dearth of issues. Instead they tend to hone down on appealing but relatively low priority stories. I think this is a practice they have borrowed from the American Media but it can really impact the Indian image outside the country and the locals as well. My biggest fear is that watching this rare incidents the politicians might try to pass laws while ignoring what truly needs to be done. Every one knows that one becomes a politician if one lacks any sort logical reasoning capacity. Based on what they consider populist issues (Since it is on TV so many times) our fearless leaders might try to pass laws.

Lets hope for the best


Rookie said...

So u get to see desi news channels there in

Anonymous said...

I guess you forgot to mention the larger chunk of the ill effects of this media!
The main problem is that whatever might be the problem they keep on stressing that govt. should do something. I believe this has far larger impacts. By now there are so many out there waiting for the govt. to give them jobs instead of opting for self earning programs. Now we know that this new 'govt. need to help' image would further increase such people.
I should say the most augliest impact of this media would be on the integrity of the country - our culture. We know that India has different types of people. It is not just one country but a miniature of the world as a whole at one place. The only unity that holds all of us together at one place without any troubles is our culture. The traditions, customs and even the cloths we wear are different but the culture of respect for elders, giving guests the position of gods, respecting women, behavoir in public and so many other things are very same anywhere in India. Only these similarities hold us and now the media is popularising such unimportant and stupid incidents like that of Mr Gere , the popularise of the arya samaj marriages and even interveiws supporting them by some brainless models. These would definitely show impact on so called youth and finally on the culture and integrety of the country.
Hope atleast now the media realise what brainless things it is doing. Freedom of press doesnot mean hiding the thiefs and taking interviews but to bring people out of ignorance into knowledge.

coffee & comedy said...

Thanks for the comments. My friend ha s a dish. Thanks for your opinion Anne.