Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Lady of the night

I have this new found concept called conscience which is irritating me. I have considered myself to be a cold hearted human (it is just the biological name) and was content leading my life in that fashion. Yesterday we had a know prostitute sitting in the hotel lobby at 3 AM in the morning. It was cold and drizzly outside and I suppose she came into our lobby to avoid the possibility of contracting a cold or worse yet pneumonia. Our hotel has a policy of strongly discouraging people who are in this trade. I asked the lady if she wanted a cab and she suggested that she was waiting for the bus which starts running at 6 AM.
Here is the issue, I wanted to get the lady of the night out of our lobby but when I went out to smoke a cigarette I noticed that it was a very unpleasant night. I made the mistake of thinking about the plight of the lady if I forced her out into the cold. I was sure that she did not have money to get a cab and would have to rough it out. I knew that I would not get into deep trouble letting her stay in our lobby but at the same time did not want to encourage her to visit our hotel in the future. I know the story itself is very insignificant but I was worried because I have not been this way previously. I suppose I’m getting old and soft or probably starting to care about people. Either way it is not easy to be caring. I think there is a fundamental flaw in the way our social system is set up. I’m sure a lot of people know what is good and what is bad but have tremendous difficulty following the good path.
This is because the setup of our system presents a number of obstacles to those who want to follow the prescribed “Good Path”. Although there are promised advantages following this path, they always seem to be in the distant future and unfortunately for most of us – patience is not our greatest virtue. Sometimes I feel that the system is set up to make sure that most of us fail so that the few who actually follow the suggested rules feel good about themselves. Moreover if everybody acted as good humans then the bench mark of being a good person would be raised and we don’t want that. In the end I think there is no way of getting rid of good conscience and by the way the “Lady of the night” stayed in the lobby till the first bus started running.


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