Sunday, January 23, 2005

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Zarqawi declares war on Iraq poll

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Zarqawi declares war on Iraq poll

It is 6.17 in the morning and I'm up writing this blog. The interesting aspect is that I'm a nocturnal creature and rarely have I have been up this late. I could not sleep as I have been worried for the last few weeks (wait that is an incorrect statement I actually have been worried to death since 1998) and my woes are no where in comparison to what is actually happening in this world. There is sadness everywhere, some of it beyond our control but most of it created by our own selves. I have actively thought about this concept of sadness and I can safely say that there is no human in this world who has been able to evade it. After reading extensively about this subject, I have come to the conclusion that there is a very simple answer to all our worries.

Gautama Buddha thousands of years said that "Desire is the cause of all suffering and misery". The brilliance of this statement is unparalleled because it provides a difficult but definitely workable solution to all our worries. I will not go on rambling about the intricacies of Buddhism but not having the fear of losing someone/something would definitely give my a life a radically different perspective. Since I'm up at this odd hour on a Sunday, you would have deduced that I have not been able to even scratch the surface of this practice. Hence all of you out there living your precious little lives, saving for the future, working hard for promotions etc. make a note; there is an easier and better way.


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