Saturday, March 11, 2006
Water on a Saturn Moon - Can we live there?
There has been a lot of excitement in the scientific community about the possibility of existence of water on Enceladus. The existence of water is considered a pre-condition for the survival of organic life forms and the recent discovery can have far reaching consequences including the possibility of Humans populating this enchanting place. This is a transcript of my conversations with Bill O’Reilly the self proclaimed protector of the free world.
Me: Good morning Bill
Bill O’Reilly (BORE): What is good about this morning, the ACLU and New York times are still in business when I woke up.
Me: What is your opinion about the discovery of water on Enceladus?
BORE: Jesus put it there.
Me: From a scientific perspective?
BORE: Jesus put it there and you are starting to talk like a traitor.
Me: Do you think we have a possibility that we could inhabit this planet?
BORE: Sure I think it is definitely possible.
Me: How would you deals with the issues associated with such a venture for example: What if it were to be inhabited already?
BORE: Well we will send the British in first and they will take care of the savages. They have a lot of experience with that.
Me: Would you not want to co-exist with the locals?
BORE: Well we will civilize a few savages and the rest will be taken care of. We can also use Spain for this purpose.
Me: They say it very cold out there negative 188 Celsius.
BORE: Are you a terrorist?
Me: Sorry I meant to say –ve 307 Fahrenheit.
BORE: Soccer Moms and SUV’s will take care of it. Go Ford!!
Me: Who do you think has a stake on the Enceladean land?
BORE: The whole world
Me: The whole world??
BORE: I think your geography is a bit weak. The US of A, England, Ireland, Germany and Iraq – The whole world.
Me: Iraq??
BORE: Who are we going to fight there, the Irish?
Me: You know the Italians partly funded Cassini
BORE: No they have not, I think you are mistaken.
Me: I read this on the NASA web page, CNN, BBC and Google news.
BORE: You were mis-informed Fox News does not mention anything about this.
Me: But that does not justify your position that the Italians were not involved.
BORE: you are wrong and you are also a gay supporter, Jesus hater and don’t like freedom.
Me: That is n…
BORE (Interrupting me): Nope you are still wrong. Oh yeah buy my cups and T-shirts and baseball hats. Bye.
Well that was it. Stay tuned for my next interview with Michael Moore (The lord of fat complainers)
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You made this all by yourself?
Yes. It is a spook interview.
I love this post. Stealing it for my page.
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