General David Petraeus, the new U.S. military commander in Iraq, shocked the world when he said that the Iraq would be doomed unless the present civil war is not contained. There was an immediate furor worldwide as people thought that Iraq would be doing well even if the civil war were to continue. Secretary Rice praised the new appointee's ability to understand the situation so well. Vladimir Putin, the Russian king, was so surprised by the news that he called his American counterpart to confirm the message that was conveyed.
General Petraeus also stated that the stakes were very high in Iraq which caught the attention of the American public who were unaware of the fact. Foxnews was the first to congratulate the general on his honesty and truthiness (Thank you Colbert Report). The world watches in anticipation as the experienced General jumps into action and I think we will hear more from him in the near future. So don't be surprised to hear things like the Shia's and Sunni's are fighting in Iraq but be grateful to General Petraeus as he is all about telling us what we don't know.