Wednesday, October 26, 2005 - American high schoolers receive help from India - Oct 26, 2005

I turned red with anger after I finished reading this article. After researching about "Growing Stars" and other similar companies I found out that a number of these etutors are also regular teachers. Namitha (The tutor) seems to be pretty understanding and considerate person. Now when I was in school (Which was not too long ago) my teachers were not so considerate or understanding and it was the same case with tuitions too. I know of a number of students who were not whacked but were also insulted. The worst part was that none of us were given a chance to justify our actions (Which by the way were acceptable most of the times). We were constantly put down and degraded by our teacher. At that point in time I thought it was their teaching methodology and compromised my way through school.
Now all of sudden we have the same teachers teaching rich American kids being all nice and cordial. So what was it that I or my peers did wrong? Being born in India? It is a sad story because the whole world admires our educational system and it's product but mind you there were a lot of sacrifices made on behalf of the students (Well not me but most of them). I think that one of the key reasons why Indian graduates are tremendously successful. The reason I'm making this point is because most of the credit goes to the educational institutions and the teachers but you know what it was the IIT kid who spent 18 hours a day for 4 years studying to become a marketable student. But hey! Who gives a shit the system works and it will keep functioning that way.
