Birthdays always put me in an emotional paradox. There is the concept that one should celebrate one’s existence in this world at least once a year. As a kid I was always excited to get up on my birthday because I was full of enthusiasm and hope; enthusiastic about what the world has to offer and hope that I would be able to get a part of it. But as years passed I have taken a different view of the issue, now a birthday to me is a sign of victory over logic and this is why I think so. For those of you who have not read my previous blogs need to understand that my contribution to the world is minuscule and it is a surprise that I have fared fairly well in the social system. The only way I contribute to anyone or anything in this universe is by not doing anything because any attempt on my part to do something useful would end up as a disaster. If all the people in world were to be letters (Not the alphabets but postal letters), I would be junk mail. There are a lot of us and we don’t serve any purpose. If this world were to be efficient and logical it should have discarded me a long time ago.
I consider it a miracle that I have existed so long but at the same time I’m sad that there are so many other living beings (I wanted to include animals) that are being deprived of what they deserve because some of the resources are being diverted towards me. This is the emotional paradox I suffer from. Some of you might think “How does he sleep at night knowing what he has done to the world” and to answer your question “very well”. I have also mastered the art of “repressing my self-dignity and conscience”, in-fact these are the fundamentals of my survival strategy. My final comment on birthdays – It is just another passing point in time whose only significance is to act as a benchmark to let you know how long it will be before the inevitable catches up with you.
PS. I’m not a gothic or a manic depressive.