The election of the new French President Nicolas Sarkozy imparts a phenomenal boost to all those who want the Iraqi war to end. Mr. Sarkozy has hinted towards establishing better relations with the United States, which is the primary player in the Iraqi war. Many a defense analysts have pointed out that the inclusion of the French Army will radically change the scenario in Iraq. The logic behind this statement is derived from that the French Army's war record. The last war that France won, fighting by itself, was during the rule of Napoleon Bonaparte (1805-1815) and they won the hundred years war which started in 1337.
The recency and consistency of the French Army, reflected by the above stated facts, is a very desirable quality. I think that the coalition forces in Iraq would get the badly needed shot in arm with the introduction of the French Army. There are others, who have a lot more faith in the French military strength. Guy Pierre, a French Analyst and part time pickle taster, said "I think the terrorists will be shaking in their boots the moment they find out that the French might decide to help the Americans. I can see Osama and the rest running scared. Well you cannot blame them; the mighty French will suffocate them (Not with their body odor as some you thought). Look at our track record."
Meanwhile Renuka Choudhary, the women’s and child welfare union minister of