Paris was in a tense mood today. No I’m talking about the end of campaigning for the French elections but rather of the more important Paris Hilton. Once again the wheels of justice have rolled over the super rich “Ms. Hilton”, who was sentenced to 45 days in jail for driving with a suspended driver’s license. Los Angeles mayor Antonio Viallraigosa, in retaliation to accusations about the severity of the sentence said “Well she better be happy that she is alive. You know the LAPD cannot distinguish the driver’s color especially when the car has tinted windows. Ms. Hilton was very fortunate.”
Ms. Renuka Choudhary, the women’s and child welfare union minister of India, called this sentence an outrage against all women. She also said “I hope women all over the world rise up against this atrocity. Men must suffer the consequences of their actions. These pigs need to be put back in their pens. How can they punish a woman for driving with a suspended driver’s license when it was a MAN who made the rule that women need licenses to drive? Moreover it was a MAN who invented the car. So men are responsible for all the problems of women.” Considering Ms. Choudhary’s infinite intellect and compassion for men this is a very meek reaction.
(Check out her new law. I did not write a blog about this because I’m still awestruck by her stupidity. No not Paris Hilton’s.