Thursday, May 04, 2006

Ray McGovern – An optimist beyond comprehension or just stupid

Ray McGovern, a former CIA analyst, is one of the most optimistic people I have ever seen or is plain out stupid. Mr. McGovern was heckling Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld during his speech today. Mr. McGovern asked Secretary Rumsfeld "Why did you lie to get us into a war that caused these kind of casualties and was not necessary?" (Source CNN). Now I’m all for player haters but I think it was a stupid question to ask. What did Mr. McGovern think? Rumsfeld would go ahead and tell him the real reason. Don is the king of spin and there is no way in the world he would spill the beans. However heroic, I fail to appreciate Mr. McGovern’s optimism. I think he could have better used his clout in getting answers for more meaningful questions like
01. Why does Kevin Federline keep singing?
02. Who told Adam Sandler that he was funny?
03. Is the Matrix for real?
04. What the hell is pushing Terri Seymour to sleep with Simon Cowell?

So Mr. McGovern you are trying to achieve the impossible – Finding fault with God’s favorite creation.


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Pirates fans confused about ways to celebrate

The Pittsburgh Pirates fans are angry and confused about last victory over the Cubs. The Pittsburgh team,which has sworn maintain its supremacy over first round picks, has upset its fans in the last game. Jason Collins, an ardent fan who watched the Pirates game against the cubs, was aghast at their performance said "I'm not sure how to react. I had the twelve pack ready and was all set to lambaste the Pirates; but I have nothing to say to my friends. This is absolute nonsense, how can I play the sad but loyal supporter part?"

Although few in number, some of the intelligent Pirates fans have started looking for direction at fans of other teams. Ryan McMillan a graduate student at UPitt said they need to look at the Chicago baseball fans about how to handle such winning streaks. The Pittsburg Pirates also known as Butt Pirates (For taking it deep and hard over a decade) have left a sense of confusion and sadness amongst many of their fans but hopefully the Pirates promise to restore a sense of order with an outrageous loss against the Mets.
