Caitlin Flanagan is my new dream girl and her book “To hell with all that” I think is a brave and true account of her thoughts. In an era of pre-emptive wars, school shootings and child abuse we need to pay close attention to our social fabric. Mrs. Flanagan’s book takes us back to the joys of domestic work and the pride one should take in performing the most important and difficult job in the world (Raising kids).
The feminists are up in arms but again lesbian chicks are good for porn and that is where their usefulness stops. For those who would rather trust popular print media, this is an excerpt of her book review by the “New York Times”
No matter how vociferously they disagree with her on some things, they find themselves agreeing with much of what she writes. One suspects that were such readers to open Flanagan's essay collection, "To Hell With All That," without knowing its provenance, they would page through it eagerly, nodding and sighing and chuckling to themselves. Flanagan writes with intelligence, wit and brio. She's likable.