There has been a lot of excitement in the scientific community about the possibility of existence of water on Enceladus. The existence of water is considered a pre-condition for the survival of organic life forms and the recent discovery can have far reaching consequences including the possibility of Humans populating this enchanting place. This is a transcript of my conversations with Bill O’Reilly the self proclaimed protector of the free world.
Me: Good morning Bill
Bill O’Reilly (BORE): What is good about this morning, the ACLU and New York times are still in business when I woke up.
Me: What is your opinion about the discovery of water on Enceladus?
BORE: Jesus put it there.
Me: From a scientific perspective?
BORE: Jesus put it there and you are starting to talk like a traitor.
Me: Do you think we have a possibility that we could inhabit this planet?
BORE: Sure I think it is definitely possible.
Me: How would you deals with the issues associated with such a venture for example: What if it were to be inhabited already?
BORE: Well we will send the British in first and they will take care of the savages. They have a lot of experience with that.
Me: Would you not want to co-exist with the locals?
BORE: Well we will civilize a few savages and the rest will be taken care of. We can also use Spain for this purpose.
Me: They say it very cold out there negative 188 Celsius.
BORE: Are you a terrorist?
Me: Sorry I meant to say –ve 307 Fahrenheit.
BORE: Soccer Moms and SUV’s will take care of it. Go Ford!!
Me: Who do you think has a stake on the Enceladean land?
BORE: The whole world
Me: The whole world??
BORE: I think your geography is a bit weak. The US of A, England, Ireland, Germany and Iraq – The whole world.
Me: Iraq??
BORE: Who are we going to fight there, the Irish?
Me: You know the Italians partly funded Cassini
BORE: No they have not, I think you are mistaken.
Me: I read this on the NASA web page, CNN, BBC and Google news.
BORE: You were mis-informed Fox News does not mention anything about this.
Me: But that does not justify your position that the Italians were not involved.
BORE: you are wrong and you are also a gay supporter, Jesus hater and don’t like freedom.
Me: That is n…
BORE (Interrupting me): Nope you are still wrong. Oh yeah buy my cups and T-shirts and baseball hats. Bye.
Well that was it. Stay tuned for my next interview with Michael Moore (The lord of fat complainers)
You made this all by yourself?
Yes. It is a spook interview.
I love this post. Stealing it for my page.
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