According to Don Hickson, a senior member of the Minute Men Civil Defense Corps, the United States faces a grave new immigration threat. No not from the Mexicans to the South of the border but Birds that are migrating from South America to the United States. Mr. Hickson talking at a Confederate Patriot meeting said, “America is for American’s. We don’t need no goddamn foreigners here. Our ancestors gave us this land and we are the only ones who have the right to live on it. Now these alien birds are flying in and taking up our air and food. As true patriots and proud owners of this land, we cannot let that happen”.
After the meeting Mr. Hickson laid out his 5 Point plan for changing the migratory patterns of the Central and Western Artic breeders. The key measures as per his plan were
1. To build a wall high enough to stop the birds.
2. Have automated machine guns and F16’s flying around to gun down any of the birds that make it across.
3. Train American birds to identify foreign birds and report them.
4. Pass a law, which would allow the Minute Men to imprison anybody who feeds foreign birds.
Mr. Hickson also suggested that the Government officials support the Minute Men in shooting down birds, but the Republican Attorney Lobby fiercely opposed the idea and got it removed from the draft in light of a recent incident. Mr. Hickson said that he would take this proposal to Washington and hopes that it will be passed very soon.
In an un-related incident Former first lady Hillary Clinton issued a press statement that she is opposed to the immigration of birds but she is also opposed to plan put forward by President Bush.