Inspired by the defeat of the recent attempt by the White House to ban gay marriage and the willingness of the society to accept homosexuals, Fabulous and Gay Society (FAGS) of Cape Cod, MA has decided to make their community a little more “Gay Friendly”. Rupert Crisp, Governor of FAGS – Cape Cod, announced today that he is going to push for a number of changes which would most likely be accepted by the Province Town city council. The crux of this new bill, named “Happyjack”, can be surmised by the following points:
Traffic light colors would be changed to be more gay friendly. Red lights are to be replaced with Alizarin Crimson, Yellow with Tangerine Lemon and Green with Olive drab malachite.
Government offices will have to post messages in Gaylick (Not to be confused with Gaelic) along with English. Government forms should ask sensitive questions like weight, year of birth and must accept personal headshots for license pictures.
Reduce taxes on gourmet coffee, Millivres Prowler products and Pottern Barn.
There has been a furor over the “Happyjack” bill especially from the “All Male Association” (AMA) of Hicksville, MS. Taylor Dinks of AMA said “How can we let this happen in our neighborhood. I don’t want my kids to see this atrocity. I will not let these guys defile Jesus.” Mr. Crisp of FAGS in response to this statement said “I don’t know what is bothering this hick. I think he should stop having kids with his sister and that way the future generations would be a little smarter. I’m sure Taylor has never been to Cape Cod and I don’t expect his kids to do any better. Moreover Mr. Dinks you don’t have to watch this atrocity as it will not be on CMT or Fox news.” When Mr. Dinks heard Rupert’s response he was fuming and said “Well that is how you look and talk when you have a plug up your butt. Moreover I would rather sleep with my sister than my brother.” When asked questions about American geography, Mr. Taylor Dinks proved to quite ill-informed badly misjudging the location of most American cities.
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