I think the Indians helping Afghanistan rebuild is a very smart political move. It has a number of implications apart from the fact that we don’t need another cesspool of terrorism like Pakistan. India is competing with China to be the regional nexus of business. China has very strong roots in South East Asia (Mongolia, Taiwan, Philippines etc) and India is trying to get Burma, Indonesia and Afghanistan etc. I see the world as three unique trading blocs
1. The Americas
2. EU
3. Far East.
The Americas and EU are established blocs with limited potential for growth unlike the Far East. There are a couple of issues associated with this Bloc; who would lead this bloc? Japan or China? I think the Chinese have a long way to go before they can overtake Japan and the Japanese economy seems to be on the brink of recovery. I think Australia would have to be a part of this trading bloc although they at present have very strong ties with the EU. The Middle East is one of the fastest growing regions in terms of population and its trading loyalties are divided between the EU and crazy mullahs. Lets assume that this region settles down; then all the trading blocs would a piece of this oil rich pie. Although the Middle East is geographically close to the EU, it has had strong ties with Eastern Asia and the United States.
India is one of the biggest anomalies in this trading bloc demarkation. I don’t think it would be a part of the Asian or EU blocs. India is strategically aligned with the America’s. There are a number of reasons for my opinion including the rise of nationalism in India, which in turn has to increased anti-sentiment against Europe; United States and India have developed strong business links; speculation over future Chinese ambitions etc. I think the Americans have recognized this relationship and its advantages; hence they are out there wooing India in all possible ways (Including breaking the NPT). I think the Indians and the Americans want to get a really big piece of the Middle East market and Afghanistan is the precursor to this well paved plan.
The Americans also see India as an effective counter against the ever-increasing power of China but they have been very careful not to antagonize the manufacturing giant. The Americans stopped talking about Taiwan, started ignoring Kim Jong and no more “Free Tibet”. The Indians see this as an opportunity to establish themselves as a regional force and reduce the threat of Pakistan in the region. There was a slight glitch in the process as India, China and Brazil have announced a trade agreement. I don’t know the implications of this new partnership although it could be an interesting new development.
That is a lot of stuff man. Check out the pretty chick in the picture to ease your mind out of this educational bubble, I know I have to.
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