Jessica Simpson the alleged icon of human spirituality and righteousness has recently declined to meet President Bush at a Republican fund raiser claiming that she likes President Bush but is not a big fan of fund raising functions.
Here is an excerpt of my phone conversation (I was not allowed to meet her as she was too pristine to meet ordinary mortals) with Lady Dalai Lama.
Me: Let me start by saying that you are extremely pretty Ms. Simpson.
JS: Thank you but I don't care about external beauty, It is important to be beautiful inside.
Me: I’m sure that you happen to look the way you do by pure accident, so why did you not want to meet President Bush?
JS: Well I don’t really like fund raisers
Me: I thought you were trying to raise funds for Operation Smile
JS: well that is different. It is for little kids to get plastic surgery and look better.
Me: I have a couple of issues here. First of all there are a number of kids who are starving to death on a daily basis, so would that not be the top priority? Secondly I thought you were focused on inner beauty?
JS: Did you not talk to Rob Shuter (Her publicist) before you started the interview?
Me: I did not have a chance?
JS: I love kids and hope we can have world peace.
Me: The atrocities being committed by the Sudanese government have conveniently been ignored by many world governments. The Sudanese people desperately need support and world attention, so have you thought of promoting their cause?
JS: I love South America and Mexicans. Me and Ashley will try to sing for them.
Me: Do you dye your hair?
JS: No
Me: Quite apparent. You were Daisy Duke in “The Dukes of Hazard”; don’t you think it was in-appropriate to act in a movie where they flaunt the confederate flag?
JS: I like black people. I even tip them when they park my car.
Me: Thoughts about Nick Lachey?
JS: Were you making fun of me when you asked me about my hair?
Me: I cannot get anything past you. How do you manage to be what you are?
JS: Be myself
Me: Who is your idol?
JS: John, he is my spiritual guide.
Me: Sorry for belittling you earlier Ms. Simpson. I think John Milton is a genius.
JS: I meant John Travolta. His movie “Look who is talking” has inspired me.
Me: Absolutely true, communication does not always require logical thought process. Thank you for taking the time.
There it is Ladies and Gentlemen, Jessica Simpson for you. The future of a number of kids depends on this intriguingly successful lady. In spite of my acrid remarks I sincerely hope that she can achieve what she wants to.
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