These days Africa is pre-dominantly Christian and Moslem. Apparently these religions did not spread to this region because of migrants but were forcefully pushed upon them. The missionaries have to be careful when they talk about introducing religion to this part of the world, since Africa has had religion even before the rest of the world had any sort of civilization. I want to highlight the persistence of one nation that was determined to keep its unique culture in spite of tremendous external pressures: Benin.
A majority of the Benian population follows the Vodun religion. This is a form of paganism but has a monotheistic approach. They believe in one god, who created the universe but the same time worship all natural elements.
You can get more information about Vodun (Their primary god is Mawu) on this site http://www.afrikaworld.net/afrel/zinzindohoue.htm
1 comment:
Whatever you say nothing ever compares with those in India. Do you know India has the oldest kind of everthing even religion.
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