Monday, August 08, 2005

eHarmony - More Marriages Per Match than any Online Dating Personals Service

eHarmony - More Marriages Per Match than any Online Dating Personals Service

A few weeks ago I was watching TV during prime time and was surprised to see an advertisement for I have seen dating websites ads but only at 3 in the morning along with the exercise video infomercials, but the timing (Prime Time) tickled my curiosity. When I googled the word “Dating Websites”, I got about 3,250,000 results in .14 seconds and a lot of them looked pretty believable too (You know what I'm talking about, websites that have ultra hot chicks claiming to be desperately looking for men). I believe that a lot of people are looking for soul-mates and are optimistic but using the internet for such purposes is a little too foreign to me. Moreover ever since the Chinese entered the market I have been able afford a girlfriend. The best part is that she comes with a pump and three interchangeable wigs. eHarmony uses the “Compatibility Matching System™” which matches personalities on 29 key dimensions. Fundamentally you will get a partner you deserve but I have a problem with the concept. I don’t want a girl that is on par with me; I want somebody who is better then me but just does not know it.
Fortunately because of my lackluster career I hardly have time or the opportunity to think about having a long term relationship and even if I do, I hardly have a chance of getting a girl because of my lameness. For all the rest of you, who are looking for true love good luck and hey minimal embarrassment in case of a rejection.



try this,

you have to be a Ivy league student though.

Anonymous said...

Funny stuff but my friend actually got hitched through this site

Anonymous said...

These sites are for all those who mistake infactuation for love.